Clerk of Superior Court

Karen Fountain Burke


Melinda Kelley Sodowsky, Chief Deputy Clerk
Kelly Harris, Deputy Clerk
La’Bertha Robinson, Deputy Clerk

Contact Us:
Twiggs Superior Court House
P.O. Box  234
Jeffersonville, Georgia 31044

Physical Address:
425 Railroad Street North
Jeffersonville, Georgia 31044

Phone: (478) 945-3350
Fax: (478) 945-6751

The origins of the Clerk of Superior Court Clerks in Georgia are rooted in early British history.

For centuries, the custody of court records was entrusted to judges. However, it became apparent that a judge alone was unable to preside over argument, record proceedings, and issue writs.

Consequently, the office of the Clerk of court was created. Subordinate judicial officials were chosen from among the clergy, the only literate group at the time. Thus, “clerk” is derived from the Latin word “clericus” which means clergyman. In the English colonies, officers of the common pleas courts were known as county clerks, a title utilized in most states today.

The Georgia Constitution requires each county to maintain certain offices. Along with the Sheriff, Judge of the Probate Court, and Tax Commissioner, the Clerk of Superior Court is a constitutional officer elected to a four year term. Clerks of Superior Court have been elected since 1794.


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