On Friday, March 23, 2018, the employees of the Twiggs County Courthouse were trained on a national initiative called Stop the Bleed. Stop the Bleed is a training program to teach anyone how to stop life threatening bleeding in an emergency situation. It does not require the attendee to have any prior medical training. The training is simple and will allow those trained to feel confident in their skills to react in real life situations. Stop the Bleed is no stranger to Twiggs County. In 2016, Twiggs County Comprehensive Middle High School was part of the pilot program for Stop the Bleed. In 2017, the training was put into action by a teacher to intervene in an incident at the school. As a result, the entire Twiggs County Public School District was trained on Stop the Bleed in 2017.
As part of a grant received by the North Central Health District in Macon, GA, each county courthouse in its district is eligible to receive a set of bleeding control kits to mount in the courthouse. The only requirement is that 5-7 staff members must be trained on how to use the kits. From the collaborative efforts of Twiggs and Houston County Health Departments, North Central Health District, Twiggs County EMA, and County Administrator Kelvin C. Lewis, 17 employees were trained.